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Online Training: How to Escape From Fraudsters

Today, I will be lecturing specifically on "How to identify genuine online trainers among fake ones".If you're joining the training for the first time...My name is Uche Joe.I'm the founder of a fast growing ICT and talent development company in Africa, Heroic Universal  Concept Int'l and Heroic Online Institute.I deliver ICT-related lecture every Friday and spiritual/moral lectures every Sunday.How are you doing today?The advent of internet is a huge blessing in so many ways. Online training is part of the blessings that comes with the internet.Today, you have the opportunity to be lectured by experts that are far away from you.Knowledge is fast becoming equitably distributed as a result of the internet.The trainers and trainees are gaining very massively.Online training is giving ordinary people the opportunity to teach their skills and make money in millions.In online training, the amount of money you're going to make is limitless as long as you know your onion and how to market it to the world.Young smart Africans are making millions teaching their skills online.One of my mentors hit 6 millions in just one month. Another hits 5 million in three months. I can hear you doubt it but it's true.I've made some good money too, though not up to that figure but I'm gradually getting there.Just know this; There is money in online activities.However, when there is a huge opportunity in something, huge risk is always expected, right? Online training has it's own share of enormous risk.Having seen great opportunity in online training, fraudsters are posing as genuine online trainers to defraud people.A young undergraduate chatted me sometime ago and indicated interest in my online training but expressed fear of being defrauded.He told me his experience with his first trainer who promised to teach him web development at N150k.After payment, he sent an eBook to his email with few tutorial videos, promising to make more videos for him. That was how he stopped picking his calls or responding to his chats.Today, the boy is my student and he's learning fast.Another person called me from Isolo, Lagos. His story was not different. The only difference was that he went to see his trainer at Ketu, Lagos.They met in his office and he paid N20,000 as a deposit for online training. He gave him an eBook and promised to make tutorial videos for him.Till today, he kept telling him stories. No tutorial video, no refund.The funny part of the whole story was that, the last time he called the boy, he started pleading that he should send him more money to repair his generator to be able to make the tutorial. You can imagine.As you plan to take a course online, how can you avoid these sad stories?Consider the following;Follow him online for sometimeIf you see someone that has what it takes to teach you online, consider following the person on social media for sometime.View his whatsapp status everyday. Go through his social media posts. Watch his consistency. Is he giving you the value you need?If in doubt, start smallIf you're receiving value from the person's free lectures and posts but you're still a bit afraid of committing huge amount to learn from him, start small.Pay for his inexpensive course or make a deposit for his expensive course if he will allow you.If you're satisfied with the training and mode of delivery, you can consider committing more money.Ask for testimonialsIt's important to know how satisfied his students are before becoming his student.Ask for screenshot of his student's positive testimonials. Go to his website to check testimonial section if he has any.I have close to a hundred positive testimonials from my students. Click here to see what my students are saying...Ask for projects he has builtIf the trainer is teaching you how to build website, ask for links to the projects he has built in the past.Whatever he claims to be teaching, let him show you the project he has executed or sample he has built.If he sends you some samples, go through them carefully and analyse his expertise. If you're ok with what you see, you might consider giving it a try.A Major in the Nigerian Army went through my new Academy and was very impressed. He called me and we talked at length.His son might be registering in my Academy soon. That new academy and the way I spoke to him are convincing evidence for him.If his course is too cheap, find out whyMost times, we, Africans make mistakes of jumping into an opportunity because it is too cheap. Fraudsters use this technique a lot to defraud people.So, when you find out that a certain course is way too cheap compared to other similar courses. Find out details of the course.If there is no convincing evidence why it is too cheap, have a rethink.Let me give you an example. I have a web development course (full stack web development) which goes for N50k. This course has over 12 very detailed courses inside it including lifetime coaching and more.Someone chatted me and told me that the course is very cheap and shared a flyer of similar course which goes for N150k in another academy.I explained to him that it is a promotional cost. I was running a promotion then, the original cost of Full Stack Web Development in my Academy is N100k but selling it at 50% discount then. Secondly, I want to accommodate as many young Nigerians as possible before increasing the cost. That's a convincing reason.If he's making a unbelievable claim, verifyIf someone tells you that a particular course will make you wealthy overnight, find out exactly how. Don't quickly jump into it out of greed.Examine the veracity of any bogus claim before risking your hard-earned money.Fraudsters usually play on your greed. They know you need an easy and comfortable life and they're smart enough to present a fake one to render you poorer.If he still succeeds in defrauding you after all your carefulness, take it as gain and learn from itSome fraudsters are too intelligent to be figured out easily. If a very smart person plans to defraud you, no matter your strategy, you might still fail.Only very few fraudsters are probably that smart to cover all loopholes.So, if you take every necessary precaution, you're most likely going to escape being defrauded.However, after being very careful, if he still succeeds in defrauding you, take it in good faith.Fight back to recover your money if you can, otherwise, learn a lesson from it. It will make your experience richer.Failure is one of the indispensable prices to pay for greatness. It's almost impossible to achieve great things without some painful loss.Take the loss as one of the painful experience greatness demands.



Before You Conclude That Online Training Is Not for You, Read This

Last week, I analyzed that easy access to experts and quality courses is made possible by online training.You can easily get coached by people far away from you. Learning is no longer limited by time and distance.People from other part of the world can teach you right from the comfort of their homes and you will learn at your own comfort, as well.I also explained that access to quality courses and expert is highly limited in physical training.Today, I will open your eyes to another dominant reason why experts are abandoning physical training and moving online.The reason bothers on *the number of students to be accommodated in the training.*In online training, the number of students you can accommodate is limitless. You can effectively teach thousands of students in an online setting.The reason being that you're not using a physical structure for the training. Students are learning at their own comfort from their homes or offices.Online training also removes the expenses of buying equipment like PCs, furniture, etc.Students are required to take care of their own laptops and all.All these advantages of online training have, to a good extent, encouraged experts to abandon physical training and migrate online enmass.In as much as online training has overwhelming advantage for the trainers, it also has its attendant challenges.The challenges include;(1) Creating enough time to mentor teeming students.Considering the fact that the number of students that can be accommodated in online training is limitless, some online trainers that have thousands of students are finding it difficult to mentor all of them effectively.As my students are growing gradually, I'm already gradually quitting or handing over most of my regular jobs to my subordinates to focus more on training.I'm also making plans to employ some of my smart students when they graduate. This will go a long way to cushion the effect of mentoring overwhelming number of students.(2) Another challenge being faced by online trainers is creating high quality tutorials and constantly updating them.For online training to be very effective, the tutorial materials (videos, eBooks, animation, etc) should be easy to understand.If you're not born or trained to be a teacher, you might struggle with making tutorials that will be beginner-friendly.My new students who have no programming background easily understand my lectures because I try my best to make them very easy to understand.Secondly, online tutorial materials are meant to be updated from time to time.Some online trainers don't update their courses at all. As a result, they end up marketing outdated courses.Each time I discover that any of my courses is out of date, I stop marketing it and take my time to update it before continuing marketing.The stress of updating the course from time to time can be overwhelming. However, the benefit therein is huge.In a physical setting, the number of students to be accommodate is determined by the size of the physical structure.If you have just a shop, you can only accommodate about eight students or less.If you have a hall, you can accommodate about 50 to 100 students. In all, the number of students is limited.It's almost impossible to accommodate thousands of students in a physical setting.So, if you critically analyse all these, it will clearly sound more logical to embrace online training.I had a brief conversation with a prospective student. He saw my WhatsApp status post and chatted me indicating interest in my web design and development course.However, he insisted that he cannot cope with online training citing some obvious reasons.Let's analyse his reasons one after the other;1. He said that in online training, the trainer is not physically present:He wants a situation whereby his trainer will be before him and attend to him instantly when he encounters challenges.He's right, very right but there is a problem with that.Many experienced experts might not have that time to be lecturing few students in a physical setting when they have better opportunity of lecturing much more students in online setting.To someone who understand economics, it's like a huge waste of time and money to be lecturing few people in a classroom when there is a better opportunity to lecture thousands of people online and make more money.So, if you insist that your trainer must be physically present, you're obviously running the risk of ending up in the hands of armatures.Only beginners and very few experts will still devote months and years teaching few people in a physical setting.Another huge challenge is the availability of a good academy in your vicinity.Programming courses are not something you can have access to in any computer training center. It is special.So, for you to have access to a very good training center, you might need to travel to another location.That means, if you don't have the resources and freedom to relocate, the opportunity to acquire the skill is denied.Another challenge is that learning a course like programming in a physical training center is, many times, costlier than online training.The tuition alone is far costlier. When you add the cost of transportation for six months or one year, you will shout.2. He also explained that he needs motivation to learn. According to him, if he pays for online training, he might end up abandoning it but in a physical training, the presence of other people learning with him will be a helpful motivation.He's also very right on this one. There is another problem, however.If you always expect to get motivated by people, a lot will be difficult for you. I think he needs training on self-motivation.Lack of self-motivation greatly hampers productivity.As time passes by, a lot of things will surely go online and lots of people will surely work remotely.If you lack self-motivation, ten years from now, you might not cope because most of the things we do physically will be completely virtual.My advice to him and to anyone who need other people to motivate them is;Instead of shunning online training completely, why not consider paying for extra-ordinary coaching.You can pay your online mentor to set targets for you and force you to accomplish it.The opportunity to acquire that cherished skill might be denied eventually if you continue to wait for an opportunity to be trained physically.Learn to embrace the trend and accomplish your goals.



Why You Should Prefer Online Training for ICT Courses

Another amazing opportunity to learn together is here. I'm so excited! I'm commencing a series of lecture on the topic, Online vs Physical Training, today. My focus is to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the two forms of training to help you make informed decision whenever you need to acquire more skills.Online or virtual training or e-learning is a form of knowledge transfer through the internet. Online trainers teach their students through various ways namely; computer software, video tutorials, eBooks, webinars, social media platforms, etc.Physical training, on the other hand, is a form of training whereby students are taught face to face. For a physical training to take place, the trainers and the trainees should be in the same place.Online training has been around for a long time, covid-19 came and boosted it greatly. Some people were fast enough to grab the opportunity online training presents while others were very skeptical about it.Let's consider the following, as we analyse these two forms of training;DistanceOnline training removes the barrier of distance. Some training centers might be quite far from you and will cost you a lot on transportation. Programming courses, for example, are not common, especially if you want experts to coach you.Most reputable ICT training centers where qualified experts coach students are located in the cities. So, if you're not in the city, you won't have access to them. If you're in the city, it will cost you heavily on transportation, especially if the course is going to last for an extended period of time like six months, one year or more.Even if you decide to rent an apartment close to the training center, the cost of renting and making the apartment habitable might end up costing you much more. When I was learning Java programming many years ago, I spent over hundred thousand naira (N100,000) on transportation.Apart from the transportation cost, you're also going to experience lots of transport-related inconveniences. If you're living in Lagos, you're going to experience hell on the road. When I was learning Java, I, sometimes, return home very late in the night, very exhausted either as a result of shortage of buses going to my place or other challenges.Then, I was living in Nnewi and going to remote part of Onitsha to learn the skill. If I was experiencing such inconveniences in Anambra State, imagine the kind of inconvenience I will experience if it was in Lagos. If you've not experienced Lagos traffic, you will not understand.Online training solves the challenge of distance completely. The possible challenge you might experience in online training with regard to distance is internet connection issue.If you're living in a place where there is very poor or no internet connection, you will struggle with online training, especially if the training requires you to connect to the internet any time you want to access it.I envisaged the challenge of internet connection and made all my tutorials downloadable to solve the problem.You might be thinking how making the tutorials downloadable can solve internet connection issue, I will tell you.If my student is experiencing network issue, all he needs do is to move to a place where there is stable internet connection and download all the tutorials there.One of my students happened to travel to Turkey with her boss. When she got there, she took advantage of free Wi-Fi connection there and downloaded all the tutorials. After downloading the tutorials, you can comfortably learn offline without requiring internet connections.You will only require internet connection when you want to call or chat me when you encounter issues. Thankfully, calling or chatting doesn't require extremely strong internet connection.Internet Network providers have actually done a good job in extending their coverage. So, the problem of reaching your online tutor via telephone or social media is minimal.COST When it comes to acquiring skills, cost is a significant factor, especially in Africa.Overwhelming majority are poor in Africa. As a result, they cannot afford to pay for expensive courses.Most online training are far cheaper than physical training. You might think that online training is cheaper because the quality is low, but it is not true at all.Most online training have even more quality than physical training, I will tell you why. Online training makes use of videos, animation, illustrations that can easily register in your memory. You can always refer to the videos or other interactive materials to recall all that you were taught.In physical training, your lecturer teaches and leaves. If you missed the lecture or forget how he explained some key concepts, you might not have any video to refer to.The handout or textbook might not explain it so well like the way he would have explained it a video.If the course in question a computer programming, practice is key. Textbook will only give you the fundamental.So, if you miss a programming lecture in a physical setting, you won't have anything tangible to refer to.So, you see, physical training doesn't actually have more quality.Back to cost; the reason why physical training is more expensive is as a result of the running cost of the training center; house rent, generator repair and maintenance, fueling, taxes, worker's salary, repair and replacement of fixed assets and more.So, the above costs usually result to a heavy burden on the managers of physical training centers.Let's look at this example; let's say you established a physical computer training center.  Let's see how much you're likely going to be making as your net profit each month. I will try to be as moderate as possibleOffice rent = *N10,000*Fueling (N800 daily x 24days) = N19,200Staff Salaries (Let's say, you didn't employ a trainer; you're the one teaching but you should have a receptionist who receives at least N15,000 per month) = *N15,000*Repair and maintenance of your fixed assets = N5,000Transportation to and from your office (N500 daily x 24days) = N12,000Total monthly expenses = N61,200 Let's look at your monthly income. An office in a city which goes for N10,000 per month will accommodate about ten students at a time.Let's assume that the ten students are paying for six months web development course at N70,000 each;10 students x N70,000 = N700,000 divided by 6 months = *N116,700*Total monthly income = *N116,700*Total monthly expenses = *N61,200*Total profit = N55,500If you decide to employ another programmer to assist you, the programmer will take nothing less than N100k per month.If I should add the cost of setting up the training center, you will shout.So, you see, your business will run on deficit if the cost of your courses is very affordable. For you to gain, therefore,  each student should be paying at least N150k for six months course. That's why physical trainer centers are costly.If you happen to get a cheap physical training center, don't be quick to pay for their training. Make necessary enquiry.They might not have what it takes to coach you to professional level.Online training, on the other hand removes most of these running costs from the trainer.The running cost is, most times, below N20,000 per monthLet's do a moderate analysis.Cost of data = N7,000Miscellaneous expenses = N5,000Total monthly expenses = *N12,000*So, you see. It is far cheaper to run online training than physical training. If online training can be so effective and still affordable, it seems illogical to spend so much money to establish a physical training center that will end up paying little or nothing.That's one of the reasons why most physical training centers in Nigeria are either closing up or gradually moving online.Course availability and access to experts.One outstanding advantage of online training is unlimited access to experts and courses.There are unlimited resources online for you to learn from. In online space, whatever you want, you get.You can be tutored and mentored by a person quite far away from you. If you can't get experts for a particular course in Nigeria, you can easily get them teach you from other part of the world.You can't, however, say the same for physical training centers. In a physical training, your choices are highly limited.In a physical setting, you will only have access to the courses that are close to you.Take programming course, for instance. For you to emerge a professional in web development, there are lots of programming languages you're going to learn.Some of these languages are not easily accessible in a physical setting.If you go to a physical ICT center for training, they will introduce you to the courses they have. If you're not well-informed, you might think that those are all the courses you need to emerge an expert.However, when you get deep into the system, you will gradually understand that there are much more to learn.Finding where to continue learning those other courses in a physical setting might be very challenging.If you're within Lagos or some few big cities in Nigeria and beyond, you might have access to most of the courses you need in a physical center but the center may also not be close to you.I've talked about the challenges of distance and transportation. You will end up spending hundreds of thousand only on transportation with its accompanying stress.Another huge challenge in physical training is access to experts. I've proved to you that ICT expert are fast going online, considering the cost of managing physical training.Expert trainers have seen amazing opportunities in online space and are migrating fast.As a result, most physical training centers are surely struggling with shortage of expert trainers.The few experts who would still agree to train people in a physical setting will charge huge sum which, of course, will be beyond the reach of most physical center owners.Take for instance, an expert in web development will charge nothing less than N200,000 per month to teach in a physical center.Only few physical training centers can afford to pay this much in Nigeria.This has resulted to most physical training centers hiring inexperienced cheap trainers who cannot go beyond teaching you the fundamentals.So, if you're paying for a physical training, you're most likely going to end up being trained by an inexperienced person.In online training, most of the tutorial videos and other materials you will learn with were prepared by experts. You also have the opportunity to have a highly experienced expert as your coach. This is possible because, it takes less stress to coach online.I'm not saying that there are no good physical training centers, I'm simply emphasizing their availability and accessibility.I will continue this article in my next post.



Marketing Strategies for Making Millions in Web Development - Part 1

All along in my lecture on How to Make Millions in Web Development, I've been emphasizing the indispensability of marketing.Having a skill or a business is one thing, knowing how to make large number of people buy from you or pay for your service is another.If you're an expert in a particular field but you don't market your business or skill in any way, your subordinates will make more money than you if they promote their skill.Business or skill without marketing equals POVERTY.As a web development student, prospective student or professional, consider the following strategies to hit millions in web development.Budget money for marketingAs a web development student or someone who is going to go into web development in the future, don't plan to make the same mistake over 90% of people are making.Over 90% of people who learn skill or go into business hardly had plans or budget money for consistent marketing. Don't make that mistake.If you're a web development student or prospective student, while you're saving money for acquiring the skill, also save money for marketing the skill.If you're already a professional web developer, reserve a good percentage of your profit for consistent marketing.The money budgeted for marketing should be used for learning marketing strategies and actual promotion.Pay people to teach you how to promote your products or services both online and offline. Practice consistently and spend good money in consistent promotion.    Don't stop marketingIf you stop marketing, you start losing money. Remember that you have competitors and many of them are marketing consistently.Even Coca Cola, in spite of its popularity, is still being promoted with millions of dollars. They understand that if they stop promoting, their business will start declining, as they don't have monopoly right in the business.So, always set aside good percentage of your profits for consistent marketing.Build list of prospects consistentlyOne of the best marketing strategies is list building. List building is all about connecting with so many people who are interested in your products or services. Social media has made it so easy to connect with many people. You can connect with prospects on WhatsApp by making them save your contact while you save theirs so that they can view your WhatsApp status and receive your WhatsApp broadcast.You can also create groups on WhatsApp, Facebook and other social media platforms and get people into it.WhatsApp is my favourite platform for list building. I build list on email and my website too. Just spend money to learn how to build lists of prospects in different social media platforms. After learning the strategies, you can sit back and choose your favourite platform(s).After which, you must spend good morning in social media ad to get as many prospects as possible to your favourite platform(s).When you spend money to build list of prospects, these prospects become your customers and potential customers for life. You will be spending little or no money to market to them all your life.If you failed to build list of prospects, you will continue to spend huge amount of money any time you want to advertise your product or service.Give value for free to build trustSomeone who received my Web Design eBook and tutorial videos for free was so surprised. He wondered how I could give such value for free. He asked me, why are you giving all these valuable tutorials and eBooks for free? According to him, he has never received anything as valuable as that for free. So, he wondered!Listen, after building your list or while building your list, you must make effort to make your prospects trust you enough to buy from you.One of the best ways to make people trust you on social media is by giving them something very valuable for free.You can write an eBook and give them for free, you can teach them for free just like I'm doing now. You can answer their questions and mentor them for free for some time. Just find out something that will truly help them so much and give it to them for free.As they're consuming your free gifts, their trust for you and your product will naturally grow.If you market to them subsequently, some of them will consider buying from you.Don't stop posting on social media, be consistentSometimes, posting every day on social media can be very tiring but you must be disciplined enough to do so if you're serious about building trust.You don't just have to post anything that comes from your mind, you must ensure that your contents are valuable. It can be entertaining, educative or informative. Just make sure that you're posting values.Don't post your business advert every day. If you do, your prospects will get tired of it. Many people have chatted me up appreciating my email and whatsapp post. They're truly learning and I'm glad they're.Celebrate your successes publiclyWhenever you make a breakthrough, celebrate publicly with your prospects. Tell them your success story. Show them how they can also make success.If you develop a fantastic website, showcase it to them. If you make millions, showcase it but do so carefully and intelligently with security in mind.If you're too private, you may die poor. You must learn to live a public life to activate success that follow publicity. Learn to celebrate yourself for others to celebrate you.Use positive testimonials to build trustStill on building trust, if someone chats you and appreciates your expertise, screenshot  it and showcase it.Build a testimonial system in your website and collect reviews from your customers and prospects. Showcase their reviews to build trust. The reviews can come in form of screenshots, videos or graphic design.    So many of my students who paid for my ICT courses including web development have chatted me and were thanking me for so much value they were getting from the tutorials.Click here to see what our students are saying about the courses they bought from our academy... Use WebinarLearn how to make a presentation before a camera. Learn how to use webinar. Webinar means web seminar, that is seminar that is conducted on the web. Listen, people trust you more quickly when they see you speak live. You can start by making videos with your phone. When your confidence grows, go ahead and go live.Exploit affiliate marketing systemOne mistake I see people make is trying to do everything about marketing their business all by themselves. Don't do everything all alone. You don't have all the talents. Give other people opportunity to promote your skill and be honest and generous enough to pay them well.I have an affiliate marketing system. People who are promoting my products and services are called Heroic Ambassadors and Fans. They earn 20% and 10% respectively from my academy and services.I want to work with everybody, I want everybody to earn from me. You can do the same.If you're interested in promoting our products and services and earning from it, click hereYou must learn copywriting, you must!I cannot overemphasize the importance of copywriting in social media marketing. If you have no knowledge of copywriting, your presentation or social media posts will be less attractive.You must learn how to write hypnotically. You must learn how to hypnotize your audience with your pen. It is a must if you must make huge exploits on social media.Sometime ago, I gave some people who performed some tasks for me, my copywriting eBook and it was very helpful to many of them. Recently, I decided to send the copywriting ebook to you via email. Hope you've gotten yours? Hope it was very useful? If you've not gotten it, check through your email, you can subscribe to my email lectures by clicking here Or continue to watch my whatsapp status, I might share it in my whatsapp status soon for free.



6 Ways to Make Millions in Web Development

1. Building professional websites for clientsThe commonest way to make money in web development is by developing professional websites for clients.Professional websites are not cheap. They demand lots of skills and creativity. So, if you possess the skill, you will surely make good money.When I talk about professional websites, I'm not talking about the common WordPress websites most people can design. I'm talking about websites that demand good coding skill.Websites like bank websites, school management websites, transport and logistics websites, airline websites, money-making/donation sites like MMM, ecommerce sites like jumia and konga, bitcoin management website, etc.That's the skill I teach my students; If you learn how to code such professional and money-spinning websites, you will make millions.To make millions quickly by developing professional website for clients, do the following;Don't work alone, work with many peopleIf you're advertising your skill consistently and you're good at what you do, you're most likely going to get more contracts than you alone can handle, so you need to work with other professionals to meet up.I've told you before that the major reason why I went into teaching web development is to raise professionals that I can work with.If you've been following my WhatsApp status for long, you would have noticed that I hardly advertise my web development services; I, instead advertise my online web development training.If I should concentrate in advertising my web development services, I will get so much contracts and I won't have time to handle them all.Though I partner with some people but the partnership would have been smoother and more flexible if I'm partnering with my students alone.In fact, right now, I'm already getting contract than I can handle even though I'm yet to start advertising. When the first batch of my students graduate, I will have more hands to meet up with more demands, then millions will flow.So, you must not work alone, you must partner with others to meet up.2. Build/Sell templatesIf you want to make millions in web development, you must use your spare time to build templates of popular websites. Make a list of websites people demand most often; sites like ecommerce websites, business websites, school management websites, bitcoin management website, Church management websites, etc.Start building a sample of these websites. Don't wait until you get a client before you start building sites, build samples and keep. Showcase the samples to potentials clients.The easiest way to get a client pay you a handsome amount is to show them great samples of the site you've done.If you have already-made samples of websites you've done, you can complete a one-month project in few days.Imagine getting a job of Three hundred thousand naira (N300,000) and completing it in three days or a job of N1million and completing it in one week. If you have templates, you can.Apart from showcasing the template to get clients, you can also sell the templates and make good money. There are so many web developers who would prefer buying already developed websites instead of starting from the scratch.The beauty of it all is that you can sell one template to unlimited number of people.Imagine selling your template to over a thousand people at, let say, N100k each. Do the maths. Its N100million. If you sell it at N50k, you will make N50million.You might argue that it will be difficult for one to sell a template to up to a thousand persons. If you're extremely aggressive with marketing and you're targeting the whole Africa and beyond, you will surely make even greater sales.Let me however, be moderate. If you sell the template to 100 people at N50k each. That's N5million. So, you see, it's lucrative.3. Make millions from your vision web appHaving studied the history of popular apps like Facebook, YouTube and even our own paystack, I realized something similar in their stories.The founders had a vision to solve a certain problem in the society. They used their programming skill to develop an app to power their vision.They sourced for fund and promoted their vision, finally their vision blossomed and here they are reaping the proceeds in billions.You can do the same. If you're serious about making millions in web development, you should consider developing an app or apps that can solve problems of millions of people.You should strategize to raise fund to promote your app. With your sound knowledge of digital marketing, you will make a headway.There are lots of problems in Africa. If you can develop apps to solve one or two major ones, if your app is well promoted, you will surely sell.It might take years but when the money starts flowing, it flows in billions. Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba Group said that they got zero profit from for over two years. They continued to spend, to strategize and to promote.Today, Jack Ma's net worth is 42.5 billion USDIf you can create and consistently promote an app that solves problems of millions, you will end up making billions. I will, surely, create such apps with my students in the future.4. Make millions Managing WebsitesAnother way to make good money is by managing people's websites. Having developed lots of websites, I realized that most people just own a website and leave it dormant.Some people assume that the moment they own a website, the website will start generating money for them. If they were not able to get client through the website, they tend to abandon the site.Some will continue to maintain the site without earning from it.You, as a web developer and digital marketer, can come to their aid. You can propose to manage their websites and generate revenue for them through the site.If you're good in digital marketing, you will do well here.You can manage a website effectively by; adding more features to the website, blogging about the product promoted in the website and directing people to the website.You can also run social media ads and direct traffic to the website.You can come up with so many innovations based on the kind of product the website is promoting. To get as many people as possible hand over their website for you to manage, you must be good with writing proposal, presentation and objection handling.Remember, you should not work alone. If you can't write a good proposal, hire someone who can. If you're not good with blogging, hire someone who is good at it.If you don't have money to hire these people, partner and share the proceeds with them.Imagine managing 20 websites. If you're earning, let's say N50k per website in a month, you will be earning total of N1million in a month.Listen, don't assume that people will not pay up to N50k monthly for managing their website. If you can generate the revenue, they will be willing to pay even more.If you're good at what you do and you know how to target people who can afford to pay you well, you will excel.One of my great plans is to employ my students to develop and manage websites in Africa and beyond.5. Write a book on web developmentIf you're good with writing, you can write books on various aspects of web development and sell. Even if you're not good with writing, you can still write.One of the easiest ways to write a book in this era is by compiling your social media post and converting them to a book.I've written up to ten eBooks. Almost all of them are compiled from my social media posts.This particular lecture, HOW TO MAKE MILLIONS IN WEB DEVELOPMENT, will soon be compiled into a book. Sometime ago, I lectured on HOW TO RAISE MONEY TO PAY FOR EXPENSIVE COURSE. I will soon compile it into a book, as well.If I decide to sell the eBooks, I will make money. Even if I decide to give some of them out for free, I will still make money from them. Either way, it's a win win!Many people who wants to go into web development were asking so many questions. Questions like how to make money with the skill, how to get paying job abroad, how to get started, the programming languages to learn.So many questions are seeking for answers. So, if you can write books to answer those questions, many people will be willing to buy.When I started promoting my Web development course in my online institute, I realized that some people who need ICT skills, don't know how to go about it.I decided to write a book titled, WEB DESIGN BEGINNER'S GUIDE. I also made some videos to show people how to start the development of a simple business website.If you've not gotten the book, click here to have it....Also click here to watch the tutorial videos on how to commence the development of a simple business website...6. Teach PeopleIf you're good with teaching just like me, you can consider setting up your own academy. There is money in teaching especial in our time where social media has given us the privilege to teach unlimited number of people without meeting them physically.I have students in almost all states in Nigeria. Most of them have never met me but they believe so much in me.You know why, I'm a gifted teacher. I'm naturally compassionate. When I teach, my intention is to make you heroic. I want all my students to prosper. Please don't see this as bragging, teaching is truly my area of strength. I've been teaching since childhood.One more reason why I'm excelling in online training is because I try my best to be honest. Some online trainers are fraudulent. They take advantage of the fact that their students can't easily meet them physically and defraud them.Listen, if you truly want to succeed as an online trainer, you must be very straight-forward.Few days ago, I got a call from a prospective student, he explained to me that someone wants to sponsor him but he wanted me to inflate the cost in order to get more money from the person.Though, his reasons for trying to inflate the cost seemed very reasonable but I found it difficult to dance to his tune, as I didn't want to be dishonest.Thankfully, I was able to come up with a straight-forward and smart way to handle the situation without being dishonest.He was shocked at my honesty and extremely impressed at my smart idea. Wisdom and honesty will lead you far.If you're born to teach, build an online academy. Physical training is dying fast. It will continue to die. Nigerian economy does not favour physical training especially if you're not capable of investing millions in it.However, I must warn you. If you're not good with teaching. If you're not the patient and compassionate type, don't teach. Exploit other aspects of web development.Teaching is like a calling. Not everybody can do it well.I will be calling it a day today.



How to Make Millions in Web Development

As the value of Naira continues to fall, if you can't make money in millions in this country, life will surely be a challenge to you. Even if you're not a Nigerian, you need lots of money to survive in your country.So, it's worthwhile that whatever you take up as a profession should have the potential of building a stable financial future for you.If what you're doing right now does not have what it takes to explode your finances in millions, that job should be temporal, you should have plans of scaling higher, otherwise, you might regret a lot at old age.There are so many businesses and skills that can skyrocket your finances if you press the right button. ICT skills are trending now. People who knows the way are hitting it big.People are making money in cryptocurrency, digital marketing, software development and more. The future of ICT has always been bright. Covid-19 came and boosted its potential. Businesses are now being forced to go online; programming skills, digital marketing, copywriting and all manner of internet skills have, therefore, gained overwhelming relevance.So, if you have internet skills and you're smart and strategic, you will hit millions much quicker.Web development is one area of software development I love so much and it is the center of our discussion today. However, even if you're not interested in web development, the strategy you will learn in this course can be applied to rake millions in other field of life.I want to expose to you how to make millions in web development. I want to also correct some wrong assumptions among young web developers. Most ICT training centers both online and offline hardly teach their students how to make money with their skill. Even some of them who try to teach them, don't do it well.No wonder when their students graduate, they end up confused. Many young web developers thought that the only way to make money with their skill is to work for people.As a result, if they're not employed or don't get clients, they become stranded.Before I start listing various ways you can make millions consistently with web development skills, I want to start by making it clear to you that if you're not very hardworking, smart and strategic, you won't make a headway.If you're faint-hearted and lazy, you will make little or no money. Millions and billions are for those who are ready to do what it takes.One assumption you must quickly kill in your mind, as we commence, is thinking that this is a get rich quick scheme like MMM. Please it is not. When some people saw the caption, HOW TO MAKE MILLIONS IN WEB DEVELOPMENT, many of them quickly assume that they can make millions in one day or few weeks.Yes, it is possible to make millions in few days or weeks in web development but, as a beginner, you have to water the ground to get there.That's said, if you do the following, you will make millions in web development;Learn Digital Marketing FirstFor the interest of those who don't know what digital marketing is; digital marketing involves various ways to reach out to your audience or customers with the aid of digital tools.You can reach your customers and potential customers via email, Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, websites, YouTube, google and other social media platforms.Digital marketing is not just about posting stuff in your WhatsApp, Facebook or Instagram, it is much more. You must learn how to do it properly if you're serious about making millions.Millions do not fall from heaven; the millions you need are in other people's hands. To get the money from them, you need to learn the best way to market to them.Most small businesses usually ignore marketing. That's why they hardly scale. Most small businesses you know ten years ago are still small today. You know why, they don't budget good money for marketing. If you fail to market your skill or business, you will not grow.The higher the number of people that know about your business or skills, the higher the possibility of making more sales or getting more contracts and hitting millions.It is important that you learn digital marketing even before you start learning any other skill or establish any business. I will tell you why? A good knowledge of digital marketing will save you a lot of money and help you to properly assess the kind of skill or business that will pay you good cash.If you don't have knowledge of digital marketing, you're most likely going to make some terrible mistakes and lose money. Let me give you example; some people went into blogging, comedy, etc. because they heard that some people are making millions in it.When they came, they found out that it takes a lot to build audience and maintain steady traffic. As a result, they became frustrated and gave up after spending a lot of time and money.If they had prior knowledge of digital marketing, they would have been equipped with vital information on building and managing audience.With the knowledge, they will realistically access whether they have the skill and resources to make breakthrough in the field they're about to go into.This is why I give all my students free digital marketing training because I want the serious ones among them to start on time to learn how to promote their skill.I want them to start promoting their skill and partnering with me even when they're still learning so that by the time they graduate, they would have been established.So, if you want to learn web development, learn digital marketing first. If you pay for my web development course, I will give you access to my digital marketing course for free.Learn web development skillAfter mastering digital marketing skill, you can, then, choose additional skill to learn or business to go into. Those who love web development should go ahead and learn web development.While venturing into web development, consider the following;Don't teach yourself, find a teacherAs a result of lack of fund, some people find solace in learning through YouTube and other free or cheap resources. It is not bad to learn through YouTube but it is counter-productive to concentrate in learning through it.If you don't have money, start working towards saving money. Within the time you're saving money, you can start learning through YouTube but the moment you save enough money, find a mentor.If you concentrate in learning through YouTube, it will take you much longer time to emerge a professional. If it takes someone who is being mentored six months to emerge a professional, it will take you two years if you're struggling to teach yourself.Regrettably, you might not even emerge a professional after two years if you're not very smart and consistent.Someone chatted me on WhatsApp and lamented that he has been learning coding in YouTube for five years but he's still yet to make a headway. This is because he does not have a tutor who will be giving him necessary guide.Time is money. It's wise to use money to buy time and use time to make more money.If you pay a mentor to coach you, you stand the chance of being connected to opportunities by your mentor. I have started working with some of my students, I have plans of employing many more of them when they graduate. A good mentor will not just teach you the skill, he will also teach you how to make money with it. So, if you have plans of learning web development and making good money with it, I will surely help you. Chat me on WhatsApp via +2348037747461.The lecture will continue in my next post.



How Smart Fake Pastors Organize Fake Miracles

I'm glad to continue my lecture series on the topic WHY YOU MUST BE SPIRITUALLY EDUCATEDMy name is Uche Joe. I'm the founder of a fast-growing ICT and talent development firm, Heroic Universal Concept Int'l.When my very close friend got to know the effort I put in research about spiritual matters, she told me to my face that it doesn't worth it.In her opinion, we don't need to stress ourselves to know so much about things that are beyond us. We should just live a simple life and make use of the little knowledge we have.That's her opinion but I don't think she's right. One day, she was getting confused on a particular sensitive spiritual subject on how the white missionaries were accused of enslaving Africa.A lot of Christians who were going back to traditional religion, were accusing white missionaries who brought Christianity, of enslaving Africa.She almost agreed with these traditionalists because she doesn't know the whole story. Thankfully, I know the history of Christianity and enslavement in Africa.  The real missionaries who brought Christianity did not come with enslavement. They came with genuine intention and saved Africans from some religious captivity like killing of twins, etc.However, there are other people who came for enslavement. Governments of western world enslaved Africans. Those who brought the true gospel brought light and salvation and not enslavement.So, you can see that, there are two sets of white people that came; those who came for the true gospel and those who came for enslavement.The mistake those Africans who are leaving Christianity are making is that they're wrongfully accusing those who brought true gospel of the evil others did.The moment you start taking religious education seriously, you will see the need to take your time to study all these histories. If you know little, those who know more will deceive you. Listen, if everyone should take spiritual education seriously, there won't be many fake pastors or fake spiritualists on earth.Fake pastors and spiritualists abound because there are millions of uninformed and gullible people everywhere.Smart fake people are making billions from the spiritual illiteracy and gullibility of millions of people.Listen, if you understand little of Human Psychology and how to market your craft to millions of people, you can make billions from the spiritual illiteracy of millions of people.I was researching on Igbo traditional medicine when I came across a video of one popular Dibia (Igbo traditional spiritualist), Akwa Okuko Tiwara Aki.In the video, he was exposing fake pastors he was working for. He explained in details the extent a fake pastor can go to make his fake miracle look real.According to him, if a fake pastor wants to cure a mad person in his next crusade in a particular city, the pastor will start strategizing 3 months before the event.He would look for a hungry young man who is ready to do anything for money and pay him, let's say, N50k or N100k to act like a mad person for three months in that particular city.He would be trained on how to act like a mad person and given some money to travel to the city.The fake mad man would suddenly appear in the city from nowhere and start acting mad in public places especially market places where everyone will see him.After three months, the fake pastor will organize crusade in that city. On the first day, the fake mad man would come and hover around the crusade ground where the pastor would be preaching.On the second day, he would start making his way into the crusade ground like a real mad man would. Then the pastor will notice him and start prophesying that God told him to set him free.His guards will bring the fake mad man and after minutes of fake spiritual exercise, the mad person will be made whole. After the deliverance, you might hear him ask, "Where am I?" This will make people emotional.With this singular miracle, the pastor has captured the minds of majority of the people in that crusade. Whatever he tells them to do, they will do it.Trust these fake pastors, he will utilize it instantly to make lots of money. They would start raising fund immediately after the miracle because they know that people are ready to do anything at that point.They might start by prophesying for some rich people in that crusade. They have, prior to the crusade, taking record of rich people in that city and must have used fake prophesy to make them attend the crusade.They will tell them to see them after the crusade for special prayer to prevent imminent collapse of their business or death in their family. You know, special prayer goes with special money.I will tell you this for free once again, if you understand human psychology, if you know how to market your craft to millions, if you're confident, eloquent and smart, you will make billions if you decide to become a fake pastor in Africa today.We are massively spiritually illiterates. That's why.



Why You Must Be Spiritually Educated

I'm here again to INSPIRE YOU like never before.My name is Uche Joe. I'm the founder of a fast-growing ICT and talent development firm, Heroic Universal Concept Int'l.Today, I want to give you reasons WHY YOU MUST BE SPIRITUALLY EDUCATEDI got an email from one young influential Nigerian, John Obidi. Many of you know him. He's a great mind.He emphasized that you must create time to study about human biology, psychology and spirituality.He explained that if you master how your body, mind and spirit work, it will be very difficult for anybody to deceive you. You will gain the power to create the kind of great life you want - a life where you're in control.After going through his email, I believed him absolutely. If you study and master how your body, brain and mind works, if you devote copious time to research how things truly work in spiritual realm, you will gradually garner so much wisdom to last you for a lifetime.Unfortunately, people are too busy to create such time. I know you think that biology is only for medical personnel and biology teachers. You think psychology is for psychologist only.You think learning about spirituality is for spiritualists alone. You think studying about the economy is for the economists alone.If this is your thought, you're wrong. You should learn little of everything and a lot about some sensitive aspect of life.Spirituality is a very important and a very sensitive part of life. It is so importunity because it determines your spiritual security here on earth and your ultimate destination in the great beyond.I use to wonder how an uneducated fake pastor or dubious Dibia (traditional medical doctor) could easily deceive and defraud educated people.It is easy for them because those educated people are illiterates spiritually. They know nothing about how things work in the spirit.One very popular Nigerian Pastor was being exposed sometime ago. I was following the story then. I felt bad when I saw a prominent educated Chief telling the press that the Pastor dubbed him of 27 million naira. I wondered how a learned Chief like him could fall prey that easily. The problem is that he is not spiritually educated.One popular Igbo Traditional Medicine man popularly known as Akwa Okuko tiwara aki exposed some pastors that were patronizing him.He analyzed how they stage miracles and how they manipulate people's psychology to make money.I will tell you the story next Sunday.This lecture on SPIRITUAL EDUCATION will be broken into series of lectures.



Is Jesus Truly Fake

Today is special, truly special. I'm starting an extremely important topic today.All my lectures are life-saving but this one is extremely life-saving.The topic is 'IS JESUS TRULY FAKE?'I will tell a story of my elder sister who is presently addressed as EZENWANYI OKOSIMIRI (Queen of the coast).I will also tell you how I came across MMIRIENWEILO (Popular young native doctor).The story of my sister and the consistent lectures of Mmirienweilo necessitated this lecture.If you miss this lecture, hmmmmmm!My name is Uche Joe. I'm the founder of a fast-growing ICT firm in Africa, Heroic Universal Concept Int'l.I'm sorry, I stopped my Friday ICT lecture for months now. I was actually engaged in completing video tutorials for Mobile App development in my online academy. You know I like making my tutorials detailed enough for my students.So, for months, I've been consistently making video tutorials to complete the fifteen courses under mobile app development in my Academy.Making those videos is quite tasking but the effort I'm putting in it worth it.So, if you're interested in Mobile App Development, no other mobile app development course on the internet covers what I've covered in this course.Pay for it now and commence training. You will thank me later. To see details of the mobile app development course, CLICK HEREBy next month, I will commence our weekly ICT lectures and question and answers session again.Back to our topic today. I'm starting a series of lectures today. I will introduce it today and continue next Sunday.Sometime ago, I came across a video of my elder sister (eldest sister) on Facebook. She was wearing an immaculate white gown and talking unstoppably inside a river or a beach.I was shocked to the spine when I saw her. When I listened to what she was saying, she was actually praying and blessing the world.I felt she was on a movie set because she's an actor and a gospel musician.However, when I chatted her and enquired, I got no response.  She later called to explain to me that she has decided to answer her divine call in a traditional way.According to her, she believe in Igbo spirituality and was divinely called to uphold it for the benefit of humanity.I wanted to object to some of the points she raised but when I found out that her mind was made up, I ended the call. I later told her that I don't know anything much about Igbo spirituality. As a result, I'm not the type of person that accept or condemn what I know nothing about.My elder brother and the spirit-filled younger sister who is presently in the US were outrightly against her position. Others were probably confused.I was tempted to vehemently object her position but, like I told you, I'm not the type that conclude very quickly.I like being absolutely sure before solidifying my stance. So, I was temporarily neutral.I've always wanted to make detailed and exhaustive research into Igbo spirituality in relation to Christianity, my sister's indulgence has hastened it.I started by calling a priest friend of mine who is presently in US. Luckily, the course he was studying in US was partially on African Traditional religion.He told me a lot and sent me his thesis on the topic. The document has been so helpful. He also referred me to one Professor who is a Priest and a Vice Chancellor.According to him, the Prof. has more detailed knowledge of African Traditional religion. My effort to meet the Prof. has not yielded fruit yet because he's a very busy person. I'm also very busy too, but someday, I will meet him.Having heard from a priest, I thought of interviewing an Igbo native doctor to hear their own side of the story.I started by making research on YouTube and I came across videos of some young rich native doctors who are active on YouTube.The first person I came across was "Akwa Okuku tiwara Aki". I followed him for sometime and understood what he represents.I later came across Mmirienweilo. I was quite impressed that he was teaching about Igbo spirituality consistently on YouTube. After watching few of his lectures, I understood him position too.Meanwhile, I've been following few American pastors. I recently started following some Nigerian Pastors and resonated more with the message of Apostle Arome Osai and Apostle Michael Orokpo.You know why I'm doing these, I want to put together, the messages of ministers from opposing camps to arrive at a balanced and informed decision.You might be wondering why I decided to start posting "my family secret" to the public. I know that my family might not be happy with me but I have two reasons for this.1. To let the public understand my position in the whole matter, as my sister is already everywhere on social media posting her spiritual activities. So, those who know that she's my sister might be wondering what I've done about it especially when they hear me preach about Jesus.2. A lot of people are involving themselves in some spiritual adventure without clear knowledge of what they're getting themselves into. So, I want to teach the little I know and learn from those who know better to help those who don't know.This journey will take a long time and you will surely learn a lot with me throughout the process.You contribution in this lecture will not be ignored. If you know better, teach me, I will learn and appreciate.This lecture will continue next Sunday.Meanwhile, I heard Mmirienweilo emphasized that Christianity is fake. He said that the white saw how powerful we are and devised means to enslave us with their religion.What do you have to say about this? Is Jesus truly fake?Drop your comments.



67 Church Members Dead After Pastor Told Them to Fast to Death to See Jesus

I was shocked to the marrow when I saw a screaming headline that says 67 Church Members Dead After Pastor Told Them to Fast to Death to See Jesus".I was trying hard to understand how a human being with brain would accept to kill himself to see Christ.Are they reading the Bible at all? Was there anywhere in the Bible where Christ instructed people to fast to death? I wonder.Sometime ago, a South African Pastor asked his members to eat glasses and they started eating. Oh my God!Wait a minute, what could be the cause of these dehumanizing acts? How can a normal human obey such dehumanizing instructions and reduce themselves to lower animals.Even animals cannot intentionally starve to death. Carnivores cannot eat glasses.  Such acts have reduced human beings below animals. This is very dangerous.Anyway, I understand why these church members can obey such suicidal instruction to starve to death in the name of fasting. I think I know.Three factors are possibly playing out ...1.  HYPNOSISIn one of my lectures I told a secret revealed to me by one gifted prophetess. She said that some prophet bury blind ram at the entrance of their church to hypnotize anybody that step his foot into the Church.Some might possibly bury human beings to achieve even strong effect.I listen to one spiritualist  and scientist analyse the effect of hypnosis on human body. He emphasize that hypnosis has a very strong effect on human mind.When you're hypnotized, you will do anything you're commanded to do including killing yourself.This is why you must stop vising prophets and sit back to reconcile with your God. Connect deeply with your God and follow his lead.If you're being led by the spirit of God, you will not find your foot on cursed ground. Hypnosis will have no effect on you.2. SEEING PASTOR AS GODA lot of religious people believe strongly in whatever their pastors or imams says. In their mind, they believe that their pastor can never deceive them or be deceived by Satan.These religious people can fight and even die for their pastor. They believe them absolutely without doubt.This strong belief in their pastor might be as a result of overwhelming gift displayed by him. He might be extremely intelligent, eloquent, wealthy and powerful.Some of them have performed or arranged some miracles that threw them off their feet.All these gradually elevated their Pastor above God in their mind. So, they're overtime, gradually psyched to accept their pastor as God.These sets of religious fanatics, might not be diabolically hypnotized. Their case is more psychological.Listen, if Devil can tempt Jesus, who is your pastor. Nobody is above being tempted or possessed by the enemy.Your seemingly perfect pastor might not be who you think he is in the dark. Do not let your mind be caged.3. FAITH WITHOUT REASONMost religious communities tend to teach faith without teaching reasoning. They would tell you that you should have faith in something even if it is not reasonable.Even though, I'm not totally against faith but it's painful to watch all these so-called men of God manipulate it to exploit or dehumanize their members.Yes, to an ordinary mind, faith does not make any meaning. It sounds foolish to believe or do something that does not make any meaning to you. However, I clearly understand and believe in faith, considering the fact that spirituality has much more to do with something we do not see.A lot is going on in the spiritual realm that we humans cannot understand, we only need faith to believe.For example, we pray to God we have never seen, but we believe he exist. It's faith.I must warn you, however, don't allow your pastor to exploit faith to make you believe or do something meaningless, foolish, dangerous and dehumanizing.Faith is a gift from God. Reconcile with your God and ask him for the capacity to embrace genuine faith.Without God, you faith is foolishness. Without God, the enemy will surely manipulate your faith against you.RECONCILE WITH GOD NOW!



How a Satanic Pastor Destroyed a Whole Family

When I was planning to relocate to Lagos some years ago. One of my plans was to explore all Churches.I understood that Lagos houses almost all religious communities and I was ready to explore all of them.My reason was that I would like to get to know how different Christian religious communities worship because I was planning to write about them.I don't want to write about churches without experience. That was why.When I got the Lagos, I started planning to explore. My first trip was supposed to be to one of the biggest Pentecostal Churches in Nigeria (name withheld).I was preparing for their service when something struck me. I remembered the secret a prophetess friend revealed to me in the past.That lady was very spiritually gifted but she doesn't have church. The universe has a way of connecting me with spiritually gifted ladies. This lady advised me not to visit any prayer houses without making sure that I'm very spiritually prepared.She said that some Pastors or prophets bury a blind ram at the entrance of their churches or prayer houses. This instantly hypnotizes anybody that visit the Church and makes them spiritually blind.As a result, the person will keep coming to the Church, donating to the church and defending the church.No wonder, some people can die fighting for their Pastor even when it is glaringly clear that the Pastor is not genuine.So, I took time and analysed my spiritual life and realized that I have so much work to do on myself spiritually if I'm serious about embarking on such dangerous journey.I understand that the Scripture advised that we should test every spirit but you don't have to test when you're not qualified.One American prophet who served Satan for over ten years before he was arrested by Christ, during a live broadcast, revealed that visiting a prophet or consulting a seer without preparing spiritually is very dangerous.According to him, when he was still serving Satan, people use to consult him for spiritual help because he had the power to reveal the past and the future. Those who were consulting him never knew that he was serving Satan.He said one striking thing that I captured. He said that when people visit him for consultation, he would do some incantation and a demon will reveal to him what happened in their family in the past.After which, he would collect their money and tell them what will happen to them in the future. However, most of what he said that will happen in the future are false but because the demon helped him to reveal correctly what happened in their past, it becomes easy for him to tell them anything and they would believe it.According to him, one family visited him one day, he told them their past as usual and warned them of an impending motor accident, but he was actually lying to them.When they left him, he invoked a demon and sent it to accompany them home.The assignment of that demon was to ensure that everything he revealed to them came to pass.Few days after visiting him, the family was involved in a ghastly motor accident. That was the demon in action.Listen, if the family hadn't visited him, they wouldn't have had such accident.When the accident happened, the family had no choice than to run back to him. He took their money, 'pray' for them and finally sent another foul spirit along with them.They would enjoy life for some time while the demon works in the background to posses all the members of the family especially their children.You can see how dangerous it is to consult so called men of God without preparing yourself spiritually.So, BEFORE CONSULTING ANY PASTOR OR PROPHET, PREPARE SPIRITUALLY.Prepare through fasting and prayer and avoiding sin especially sin of the flesh.If you fail to prepare, your life might end up worse after visiting them. Some churches are modern Satanic shrine but you will never know. So, be careful.



Why Is God Pampering Us Now to Destroy Us Later?

Hello!How are you doing?It's heartwarming to inform you that I'm back to continue our SUNDAY LECTURE SERIES!I'm so excited!If you're seeing my Sunday lecture for the first time, my name is Uche Joe,I'm the founder of a fast-growing ICT and Talent Development firm in Africa, Heroic Universal Concept Int'l.I deliver ICT and wealth-creation lectures every Friday and moral and spiritual lectures every Sunday.Before I left social media briefly, I was trying to tackle this teething question, "If God truly loves us, why is He ready to condemn us to unimaginable unending torment in hell?"I wrote severally about the topic before leaving social media. Some of what I wrote on this topic have been uploaded to my blog. I will share the link at the end of this lecture.There are so much to write about in this topic but I will be rounding off today because I want to venture into another different topic. I might revisit this topic later.I was talking to my bosom friend few days ago. I told her, "Is it not better that God should be punishing us instantly each time we sin instead of pardoning and pampering us, only to condemn us at the end of our life if we fail to repent?"I told my friend that if God should be punishing us immediately we sin, it will make us holier. I said so because, the satanists are far more dedicated than us. They are far holier in their own way than us.The reason being that their master is quick to anger. If they err, they must pay for it, no mercy, just like in the army. The army are more disciplined than us because they're forced to be, so also the satanist.We, Christians and other religion that worship God are being lazy because God is slow to anger and very merciful but the danger lies on what becomes of us if we die in our laziness.Is it wise to pamper us now and destroy us later?However, something came to my mind as I'm typing this. If God should be punishing us the moment we sin, that means he will be punishing us all the time because we sin all the time both knowingly and unknowingly.Maybe, by the time we receive invisible flogging many times, we will learn discipline by force. Don't you think so? It sounds more logical to punish us now to save us later than pamper us now to destroy us later forever.Please, don't say that I'm challenging God's wisdom, I was only thinking aloud as a human. If at the end of life and there is a place called hell where those who failed to repent will suffer forever in perpetual agony, I think it's too harsh. Extremely harsh. You might argue that people who don't want to go there should repent but the problem is that not everybody will. Millions of people are already dying without repentance and millions more will follow, in my opinion.Does it mean that these million unrepentants are languishing in perpetual inexplicable agony forever?If they can suffer for ten years, I can deal with it, 20 years, I can accommodate but it's so heartbroken when I picture a human being like me, crying in agony forever and ever. It's unacceptable. It's incomprehensible!In my quest to find a justifiable reason to understand this perpetual suffering, I heard someone explained that the reason why people should suffer so much and forever is because they chose it by themselves.He said that they refused every effort and opportunity to draw their attention to God while on earth. They chose darkness instead of light not knowing that all the good things of life come from light.So, the moment light was removed from them in death, they quickly understand that all the good things they were enjoying actually come from light and that the true meaning of darkness is AGONY. Perpetual agony. Then, it's too late.A guy who read my post explained that the way hell is being emphasized might discourage those who are working hard to be upright. According to him,  some good people who are working hard to be holy got discouraged after failing over and over. When they continue to fail, they get frustrated and thought that God is tired of them and will not continue to forgive them. So, instead of continuing to rise and fall all the time and later end up in hell after all their effort, they decided to enjoy life and face whatever destiny that will await them.According to the young man, if the mercy of God should be emphasized and those that are striving to be holy are encouraged to keep fighting, a lot of people will be encouraged.Spirituality is complicated! There are lots of things we don't know and will never know about God and how He thinks. Questioning God is folly but we're allowed to expressed our concerns and fears as human, and that's what I'm doing.Each time I feel the absence of God in my life, I feel very lonely and afraid. It makes me very humble and thoughtful. Makes me question a lot.At the end, I don't waste time to run back to God. They moment I do so, my inner peace will be restored.Listen to me, I know you've been trying to love God but you've been failing and you're discouraged. In fact, you've given up. Something in you was telling you that you don't deserve God's forgiveness any more but it's not true.Another thing in your mind is telling you that there is nothing like perpetual agony. Please don't listen to it. You might be making a dangerous mistake you can't be able to correct.I use to fail God too but one thing I can never do is to give up trying to be with Him. I know He's forever merciful. I know that he will never allow his own to experience everlasting pain.SEE YOU NEXT SUNDAY!




How Smart Fake Pastors Organize Fake Miracles

Uche Joe, One year ago

I'm glad to continue my lecture series on the topic WHY YOU MUST BE SPIRITUALLY EDUCATEDMy name is Uche Joe. I'm the founder of a fast-growing ICT and talent development firm, Heroic Universal Concept Int'l.When my very close friend got to know the effort I put in research about spiritual matters, she told me to my face that it doesn't worth it.In her opinion, we don't need to stress ourselves to know so much about things that are beyond us. We should just live a simple life and make use of the little knowledge we have.That's her opinion but I don't think she's right. One day, she was getting confused on a particular sensitive spiritual subject on how the white missionaries were accused of enslaving Africa.A lot of Christians who were going back to traditional religion, were accusing white missionaries who brought Christianity, of enslaving Africa.She almost agreed with these traditionalists because she doesn't know the whole story. Thankfully, I know the history of Christianity and enslavement in Africa.  The real missionaries who brought Christianity did not come with enslavement. They came with genuine intention and saved Africans from some religious captivity like killing of twins, etc.However, there are other people who came for enslavement. Governments of western world enslaved Africans. Those who brought the true gospel brought light and salvation and not enslavement.So, you can see that, there are two sets of white people that came; those who came for the true gospel and those who came for enslavement.The mistake those Africans who are leaving Christianity are making is that they're wrongfully accusing those who brought true gospel of the evil others did.The moment you start taking religious education seriously, you will see the need to take your time to study all these histories. If you know little, those who know more will deceive you. Listen, if everyone should take spiritual education seriously, there won't be many fake pastors or fake spiritualists on earth.Fake pastors and spiritualists abound because there are millions of uninformed and gullible people everywhere.Smart fake people are making billions from the spiritual illiteracy and gullibility of millions of people.Listen, if you understand little of Human Psychology and how to market your craft to millions of people, you can make billions from the spiritual illiteracy of millions of people.I was researching on Igbo traditional medicine when I came across a video of one popular Dibia (Igbo traditional spiritualist), Akwa Okuko Tiwara Aki.In the video, he was exposing fake pastors he was working for. He explained in details the extent a fake pastor can go to make his fake miracle look real.According to him, if a fake pastor wants to cure a mad person in his next crusade in a particular city, the pastor will start strategizing 3 months before the event.He would look for a hungry young man who is ready to do anything for money and pay him, let's say, N50k or N100k to act like a mad person for three months in that particular city.He would be trained on how to act like a mad person and given some money to travel to the city.The fake mad man would suddenly appear in the city from nowhere and start acting mad in public places especially market places where everyone will see him.After three months, the fake pastor will organize crusade in that city. On the first day, the fake mad man would come and hover around the crusade ground where the pastor would be preaching.On the second day, he would start making his way into the crusade ground like a real mad man would. Then the pastor will notice him and start prophesying that God told him to set him free.His guards will bring the fake mad man and after minutes of fake spiritual exercise, the mad person will be made whole. After the deliverance, you might hear him ask, "Where am I?" This will make people emotional.With this singular miracle, the pastor has captured the minds of majority of the people in that crusade. Whatever he tells them to do, they will do it.Trust these fake pastors, he will utilize it instantly to make lots of money. They would start raising fund immediately after the miracle because they know that people are ready to do anything at that point.They might start by prophesying for some rich people in that crusade. They have, prior to the crusade, taking record of rich people in that city and must have used fake prophesy to make them attend the crusade.They will tell them to see them after the crusade for special prayer to prevent imminent collapse of their business or death in their family. You know, special prayer goes with special money.I will tell you this for free once again, if you understand human psychology, if you know how to market your craft to millions, if you're confident, eloquent and smart, you will make billions if you decide to become a fake pastor in Africa today.We are massively spiritually illiterates. That's why.




Why You Must Be Spiritually Educated

Uche Joe, One year ago

I'm here again to INSPIRE YOU like never before.My name is Uche Joe. I'm the founder of a fast-growing ICT and talent development firm, Heroic Universal Concept Int'l.Today, I want to give you reasons WHY YOU MUST BE SPIRITUALLY EDUCATEDI got an email from one young influential Nigerian, John Obidi. Many of you know him. He's a great mind.He emphasized that you must create time to study about human biology, psychology and spirituality.He explained that if you master how your body, mind and spirit work, it will be very difficult for anybody to deceive you. You will gain the power to create the kind of great life you want - a life where you're in control.After going through his email, I believed him absolutely. If you study and master how your body, brain and mind works, if you devote copious time to research how things truly work in spiritual realm, you will gradually garner so much wisdom to last you for a lifetime.Unfortunately, people are too busy to create such time. I know you think that biology is only for medical personnel and biology teachers. You think psychology is for psychologist only.You think learning about spirituality is for spiritualists alone. You think studying about the economy is for the economists alone.If this is your thought, you're wrong. You should learn little of everything and a lot about some sensitive aspect of life.Spirituality is a very important and a very sensitive part of life. It is so importunity because it determines your spiritual security here on earth and your ultimate destination in the great beyond.I use to wonder how an uneducated fake pastor or dubious Dibia (traditional medical doctor) could easily deceive and defraud educated people.It is easy for them because those educated people are illiterates spiritually. They know nothing about how things work in the spirit.One very popular Nigerian Pastor was being exposed sometime ago. I was following the story then. I felt bad when I saw a prominent educated Chief telling the press that the Pastor dubbed him of 27 million naira. I wondered how a learned Chief like him could fall prey that easily. The problem is that he is not spiritually educated.One popular Igbo Traditional Medicine man popularly known as Akwa Okuko tiwara aki exposed some pastors that were patronizing him.He analyzed how they stage miracles and how they manipulate people's psychology to make money.I will tell you the story next Sunday.This lecture on SPIRITUAL EDUCATION will be broken into series of lectures.




Is Jesus Truly Fake

Uche Joe, 2 years ago

Today is special, truly special. I'm starting an extremely important topic today.All my lectures are life-saving but this one is extremely life-saving.The topic is 'IS JESUS TRULY FAKE?'I will tell a story of my elder sister who is presently addressed as EZENWANYI OKOSIMIRI (Queen of the coast).I will also tell you how I came across MMIRIENWEILO (Popular young native doctor).The story of my sister and the consistent lectures of Mmirienweilo necessitated this lecture.If you miss this lecture, hmmmmmm!My name is Uche Joe. I'm the founder of a fast-growing ICT firm in Africa, Heroic Universal Concept Int'l.I'm sorry, I stopped my Friday ICT lecture for months now. I was actually engaged in completing video tutorials for Mobile App development in my online academy. You know I like making my tutorials detailed enough for my students.So, for months, I've been consistently making video tutorials to complete the fifteen courses under mobile app development in my Academy.Making those videos is quite tasking but the effort I'm putting in it worth it.So, if you're interested in Mobile App Development, no other mobile app development course on the internet covers what I've covered in this course.Pay for it now and commence training. You will thank me later. To see details of the mobile app development course, CLICK HEREBy next month, I will commence our weekly ICT lectures and question and answers session again.Back to our topic today. I'm starting a series of lectures today. I will introduce it today and continue next Sunday.Sometime ago, I came across a video of my elder sister (eldest sister) on Facebook. She was wearing an immaculate white gown and talking unstoppably inside a river or a beach.I was shocked to the spine when I saw her. When I listened to what she was saying, she was actually praying and blessing the world.I felt she was on a movie set because she's an actor and a gospel musician.However, when I chatted her and enquired, I got no response.  She later called to explain to me that she has decided to answer her divine call in a traditional way.According to her, she believe in Igbo spirituality and was divinely called to uphold it for the benefit of humanity.I wanted to object to some of the points she raised but when I found out that her mind was made up, I ended the call. I later told her that I don't know anything much about Igbo spirituality. As a result, I'm not the type of person that accept or condemn what I know nothing about.My elder brother and the spirit-filled younger sister who is presently in the US were outrightly against her position. Others were probably confused.I was tempted to vehemently object her position but, like I told you, I'm not the type that conclude very quickly.I like being absolutely sure before solidifying my stance. So, I was temporarily neutral.I've always wanted to make detailed and exhaustive research into Igbo spirituality in relation to Christianity, my sister's indulgence has hastened it.I started by calling a priest friend of mine who is presently in US. Luckily, the course he was studying in US was partially on African Traditional religion.He told me a lot and sent me his thesis on the topic. The document has been so helpful. He also referred me to one Professor who is a Priest and a Vice Chancellor.According to him, the Prof. has more detailed knowledge of African Traditional religion. My effort to meet the Prof. has not yielded fruit yet because he's a very busy person. I'm also very busy too, but someday, I will meet him.Having heard from a priest, I thought of interviewing an Igbo native doctor to hear their own side of the story.I started by making research on YouTube and I came across videos of some young rich native doctors who are active on YouTube.The first person I came across was "Akwa Okuku tiwara Aki". I followed him for sometime and understood what he represents.I later came across Mmirienweilo. I was quite impressed that he was teaching about Igbo spirituality consistently on YouTube. After watching few of his lectures, I understood him position too.Meanwhile, I've been following few American pastors. I recently started following some Nigerian Pastors and resonated more with the message of Apostle Arome Osai and Apostle Michael Orokpo.You know why I'm doing these, I want to put together, the messages of ministers from opposing camps to arrive at a balanced and informed decision.You might be wondering why I decided to start posting "my family secret" to the public. I know that my family might not be happy with me but I have two reasons for this.1. To let the public understand my position in the whole matter, as my sister is already everywhere on social media posting her spiritual activities. So, those who know that she's my sister might be wondering what I've done about it especially when they hear me preach about Jesus.2. A lot of people are involving themselves in some spiritual adventure without clear knowledge of what they're getting themselves into. So, I want to teach the little I know and learn from those who know better to help those who don't know.This journey will take a long time and you will surely learn a lot with me throughout the process.You contribution in this lecture will not be ignored. If you know better, teach me, I will learn and appreciate.This lecture will continue next Sunday.Meanwhile, I heard Mmirienweilo emphasized that Christianity is fake. He said that the white saw how powerful we are and devised means to enslave us with their religion.What do you have to say about this? Is Jesus truly fake?Drop your comments.




67 Church Members Dead After Pastor Told Them to Fast to Death to See Jesus

Uche Joe, 2 years ago

I was shocked to the marrow when I saw a screaming headline that says 67 Church Members Dead After Pastor Told Them to Fast to Death to See Jesus".I was trying hard to understand how a human being with brain would accept to kill himself to see Christ.Are they reading the Bible at all? Was there anywhere in the Bible where Christ instructed people to fast to death? I wonder.Sometime ago, a South African Pastor asked his members to eat glasses and they started eating. Oh my God!Wait a minute, what could be the cause of these dehumanizing acts? How can a normal human obey such dehumanizing instructions and reduce themselves to lower animals.Even animals cannot intentionally starve to death. Carnivores cannot eat glasses.  Such acts have reduced human beings below animals. This is very dangerous.Anyway, I understand why these church members can obey such suicidal instruction to starve to death in the name of fasting. I think I know.Three factors are possibly playing out ...1.  HYPNOSISIn one of my lectures I told a secret revealed to me by one gifted prophetess. She said that some prophet bury blind ram at the entrance of their church to hypnotize anybody that step his foot into the Church.Some might possibly bury human beings to achieve even strong effect.I listen to one spiritualist  and scientist analyse the effect of hypnosis on human body. He emphasize that hypnosis has a very strong effect on human mind.When you're hypnotized, you will do anything you're commanded to do including killing yourself.This is why you must stop vising prophets and sit back to reconcile with your God. Connect deeply with your God and follow his lead.If you're being led by the spirit of God, you will not find your foot on cursed ground. Hypnosis will have no effect on you.2. SEEING PASTOR AS GODA lot of religious people believe strongly in whatever their pastors or imams says. In their mind, they believe that their pastor can never deceive them or be deceived by Satan.These religious people can fight and even die for their pastor. They believe them absolutely without doubt.This strong belief in their pastor might be as a result of overwhelming gift displayed by him. He might be extremely intelligent, eloquent, wealthy and powerful.Some of them have performed or arranged some miracles that threw them off their feet.All these gradually elevated their Pastor above God in their mind. So, they're overtime, gradually psyched to accept their pastor as God.These sets of religious fanatics, might not be diabolically hypnotized. Their case is more psychological.Listen, if Devil can tempt Jesus, who is your pastor. Nobody is above being tempted or possessed by the enemy.Your seemingly perfect pastor might not be who you think he is in the dark. Do not let your mind be caged.3. FAITH WITHOUT REASONMost religious communities tend to teach faith without teaching reasoning. They would tell you that you should have faith in something even if it is not reasonable.Even though, I'm not totally against faith but it's painful to watch all these so-called men of God manipulate it to exploit or dehumanize their members.Yes, to an ordinary mind, faith does not make any meaning. It sounds foolish to believe or do something that does not make any meaning to you. However, I clearly understand and believe in faith, considering the fact that spirituality has much more to do with something we do not see.A lot is going on in the spiritual realm that we humans cannot understand, we only need faith to believe.For example, we pray to God we have never seen, but we believe he exist. It's faith.I must warn you, however, don't allow your pastor to exploit faith to make you believe or do something meaningless, foolish, dangerous and dehumanizing.Faith is a gift from God. Reconcile with your God and ask him for the capacity to embrace genuine faith.Without God, you faith is foolishness. Without God, the enemy will surely manipulate your faith against you.RECONCILE WITH GOD NOW!




How a Satanic Pastor Destroyed a Whole Family

Uche Joe, 2 years ago

When I was planning to relocate to Lagos some years ago. One of my plans was to explore all Churches.I understood that Lagos houses almost all religious communities and I was ready to explore all of them.My reason was that I would like to get to know how different Christian religious communities worship because I was planning to write about them.I don't want to write about churches without experience. That was why.When I got the Lagos, I started planning to explore. My first trip was supposed to be to one of the biggest Pentecostal Churches in Nigeria (name withheld).I was preparing for their service when something struck me. I remembered the secret a prophetess friend revealed to me in the past.That lady was very spiritually gifted but she doesn't have church. The universe has a way of connecting me with spiritually gifted ladies. This lady advised me not to visit any prayer houses without making sure that I'm very spiritually prepared.She said that some Pastors or prophets bury a blind ram at the entrance of their churches or prayer houses. This instantly hypnotizes anybody that visit the Church and makes them spiritually blind.As a result, the person will keep coming to the Church, donating to the church and defending the church.No wonder, some people can die fighting for their Pastor even when it is glaringly clear that the Pastor is not genuine.So, I took time and analysed my spiritual life and realized that I have so much work to do on myself spiritually if I'm serious about embarking on such dangerous journey.I understand that the Scripture advised that we should test every spirit but you don't have to test when you're not qualified.One American prophet who served Satan for over ten years before he was arrested by Christ, during a live broadcast, revealed that visiting a prophet or consulting a seer without preparing spiritually is very dangerous.According to him, when he was still serving Satan, people use to consult him for spiritual help because he had the power to reveal the past and the future. Those who were consulting him never knew that he was serving Satan.He said one striking thing that I captured. He said that when people visit him for consultation, he would do some incantation and a demon will reveal to him what happened in their family in the past.After which, he would collect their money and tell them what will happen to them in the future. However, most of what he said that will happen in the future are false but because the demon helped him to reveal correctly what happened in their past, it becomes easy for him to tell them anything and they would believe it.According to him, one family visited him one day, he told them their past as usual and warned them of an impending motor accident, but he was actually lying to them.When they left him, he invoked a demon and sent it to accompany them home.The assignment of that demon was to ensure that everything he revealed to them came to pass.Few days after visiting him, the family was involved in a ghastly motor accident. That was the demon in action.Listen, if the family hadn't visited him, they wouldn't have had such accident.When the accident happened, the family had no choice than to run back to him. He took their money, 'pray' for them and finally sent another foul spirit along with them.They would enjoy life for some time while the demon works in the background to posses all the members of the family especially their children.You can see how dangerous it is to consult so called men of God without preparing yourself spiritually.So, BEFORE CONSULTING ANY PASTOR OR PROPHET, PREPARE SPIRITUALLY.Prepare through fasting and prayer and avoiding sin especially sin of the flesh.If you fail to prepare, your life might end up worse after visiting them. Some churches are modern Satanic shrine but you will never know. So, be careful.




Why Is God Pampering Us Now to Destroy Us Later?

Uche Joe, 2 years ago

Hello!How are you doing?It's heartwarming to inform you that I'm back to continue our SUNDAY LECTURE SERIES!I'm so excited!If you're seeing my Sunday lecture for the first time, my name is Uche Joe,I'm the founder of a fast-growing ICT and Talent Development firm in Africa, Heroic Universal Concept Int'l.I deliver ICT and wealth-creation lectures every Friday and moral and spiritual lectures every Sunday.Before I left social media briefly, I was trying to tackle this teething question, "If God truly loves us, why is He ready to condemn us to unimaginable unending torment in hell?"I wrote severally about the topic before leaving social media. Some of what I wrote on this topic have been uploaded to my blog. I will share the link at the end of this lecture.There are so much to write about in this topic but I will be rounding off today because I want to venture into another different topic. I might revisit this topic later.I was talking to my bosom friend few days ago. I told her, "Is it not better that God should be punishing us instantly each time we sin instead of pardoning and pampering us, only to condemn us at the end of our life if we fail to repent?"I told my friend that if God should be punishing us immediately we sin, it will make us holier. I said so because, the satanists are far more dedicated than us. They are far holier in their own way than us.The reason being that their master is quick to anger. If they err, they must pay for it, no mercy, just like in the army. The army are more disciplined than us because they're forced to be, so also the satanist.We, Christians and other religion that worship God are being lazy because God is slow to anger and very merciful but the danger lies on what becomes of us if we die in our laziness.Is it wise to pamper us now and destroy us later?However, something came to my mind as I'm typing this. If God should be punishing us the moment we sin, that means he will be punishing us all the time because we sin all the time both knowingly and unknowingly.Maybe, by the time we receive invisible flogging many times, we will learn discipline by force. Don't you think so? It sounds more logical to punish us now to save us later than pamper us now to destroy us later forever.Please, don't say that I'm challenging God's wisdom, I was only thinking aloud as a human. If at the end of life and there is a place called hell where those who failed to repent will suffer forever in perpetual agony, I think it's too harsh. Extremely harsh. You might argue that people who don't want to go there should repent but the problem is that not everybody will. Millions of people are already dying without repentance and millions more will follow, in my opinion.Does it mean that these million unrepentants are languishing in perpetual inexplicable agony forever?If they can suffer for ten years, I can deal with it, 20 years, I can accommodate but it's so heartbroken when I picture a human being like me, crying in agony forever and ever. It's unacceptable. It's incomprehensible!In my quest to find a justifiable reason to understand this perpetual suffering, I heard someone explained that the reason why people should suffer so much and forever is because they chose it by themselves.He said that they refused every effort and opportunity to draw their attention to God while on earth. They chose darkness instead of light not knowing that all the good things of life come from light.So, the moment light was removed from them in death, they quickly understand that all the good things they were enjoying actually come from light and that the true meaning of darkness is AGONY. Perpetual agony. Then, it's too late.A guy who read my post explained that the way hell is being emphasized might discourage those who are working hard to be upright. According to him,  some good people who are working hard to be holy got discouraged after failing over and over. When they continue to fail, they get frustrated and thought that God is tired of them and will not continue to forgive them. So, instead of continuing to rise and fall all the time and later end up in hell after all their effort, they decided to enjoy life and face whatever destiny that will await them.According to the young man, if the mercy of God should be emphasized and those that are striving to be holy are encouraged to keep fighting, a lot of people will be encouraged.Spirituality is complicated! There are lots of things we don't know and will never know about God and how He thinks. Questioning God is folly but we're allowed to expressed our concerns and fears as human, and that's what I'm doing.Each time I feel the absence of God in my life, I feel very lonely and afraid. It makes me very humble and thoughtful. Makes me question a lot.At the end, I don't waste time to run back to God. They moment I do so, my inner peace will be restored.Listen to me, I know you've been trying to love God but you've been failing and you're discouraged. In fact, you've given up. Something in you was telling you that you don't deserve God's forgiveness any more but it's not true.Another thing in your mind is telling you that there is nothing like perpetual agony. Please don't listen to it. You might be making a dangerous mistake you can't be able to correct.I use to fail God too but one thing I can never do is to give up trying to be with Him. I know He's forever merciful. I know that he will never allow his own to experience everlasting pain.SEE YOU NEXT SUNDAY!

